viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Potato Leafhopper

Empoasca (Empoasca) fabae (Harris, 1841)


DeLong, D.M., 1931b. A revision of the American species of Empoasca known to occur north of Mexica. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 231: 1-59.

@Claude, 2007 (Image) 

martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Gyponana (Gyponana) dentata De Conconi, 1972

Gyponana (Gyponana) dentata De Conconi, 1972

México, Veracruz, Cerro "El Vigia"
foto:Susana Guzmán


sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

Fulgora laternaria (Linnaeus, 1758) and Fulgora castresii Guerin-Meneville, 1837.

Fulgora laternaria (Linnaeus, 1758) 

Distribución : Guadalupe, México, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Surinam, Guiana francesa, Ecuador, Perú, Brasil.
Fitófago :    Caesalpiniaceae : Hymenaea courbaril (guapinol).

·        México : Quintana Roo : Nuevo X-Can, 13-VIII-83 (1 ex. col. Museo Entomológico, León).
·        Nicaragua : Chinandega (citado por Maes & O'Brien, 1988:35).

Fulgora castresii Guerin-Meneville, 1837.

Distribución : México*, Nicaragua, Brasil.
Fitófago :   Mimosaceae : Enterolobium cyclocarpum (guanacaste).

·        Nicaragua: León: Volcan Rota, 12-IX-1986, s/Enterolobium cyclocarpum, col. M. Corrales, det. L.B. O'Brien 1987 (1 ex. col. Museo Entomológico, León).

Images and information from:

Cyrpoptus Stål, 1862 in Mexico

genus Cyrpoptus Stål, 1862: 304.

Family Fulgoridae

Subfamily Poiocerinae

Tribe Poiocerini Haupt, 1929

Subtribe Calyptoproctina Metcalf, 1938: 345

Genus Cyrpoptus Stål, 1862: 304.

Cyrpoptus dubius Kramer, 1978.
Distribución : México*, Nicaragua (reporte nuevo).
Fitófagos :
·        Meliaceae : Azadirachtha indica (neem).
·        Nicaragua, s/Azadirachta indica, col. J. Vadix, det. L.B. O'Brien 96 (1 ex. col. Museo Entomológico, León) (No encontramos el espécimen en las colecciones del Museo Entomológico, León).

Cyrpoptus belfragei Stål, 1869

Cyrpoptus metcalfi Ball, 1933 

Cyrpoptus pudicus (Stål, 1861)

Cyrpoptus vanduzeei Ball, 1933 

List species from Mexico
Cyrpoptus belfragei Stål, 1869 - USA: AL, DE, FL, GA, IL, KS, LA, MD, MO, MS, MT?, NC, OH, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA; Belize, Costa Rica?, Cuba?, Mexico (Campeche, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Yucatán); Honduras
Cyrpoptus dubius Kramer, 1978 - Mexico
Cyrpoptus ferruginosus Stål, 1869 - Mexico
Cyrpoptus metcalfi Ball, 1933 - USA: AZ, CA, NV; Belize, Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur, Jalisco, Sinaloa, Sonora)
Cyrpoptus pudicus (Stål, 1861) - USA: AZ, TX; Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Michoacán, Morales, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Yucatán), Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras.
    = Calyptoproctus pudicus Stål, 1861a: 149.
    = Tomintus pudicus (Stål, 1861); comb. by Stål 1864: 49.
    = Cyrpoptus nubeculosus Stål, 1869: 240: syn. by O’Brien 1985: 661.
    = Cyrpoptus pudicus (Stål, 1861); comb. by O’Brien 1985: 661.

Cyrpoptus suavis Stål, 1862 - Mexico, Belize, Guatamala, Costa Rica, Panama
Cyrpoptus vanduzeei Ball, 1933 - USA: AZ, NM, TX; Mexico (Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Sinaloa)

Key for species

 Kramer's (1978: 305) Kramer (1978), although additional synonymies were made by O'Brien (1985)

1. Pronotal carina behind inner margin of each eye strongly developed and nearly reaching posterior margin in dorsal view (distribution: Panama) – C. obscurusMetcalf
1.’ Pronotal carina behind inner margin of each eye essentially absent or only weakly developed in dorsal view - 2
2. Crown and thoracic dorsum mottled with fuscus or black, or legs with joint of femur and tibiae reddish (distribution: Cuba) - 3
2.’ Crown and thoracic dorsum not so marked, legs not or rarely reddish as above (distribution: mainland America) - 4
3. Crown and thoracic dorsum mottled with black or fuscus, costal margin of forewing slightly concave near middle, joint of femur and tibia with ground color stramineous. – C.  obtusus (Valdes Ragues)
3.’ Crown and thoracic dorsum with at most fine lighter and darker reticulate markings, costal margin of forewing not concave near middle, joint of femur and tibia with ground color reddish – C. ruficrus Kramer
4. Forewing with distal midline solidly darkened from apex to or almost to opaque basal portion - 5
4.’ Forewing with distal midline not darkened, darkened only half distance to opaque basal portion, or darkened irregularly and more extensively – 6
5. Forewing distinctly narrowed subapically, its distal margin slightly sinuate – C.  suavis Stål
5.’ Forewing not distinctly narrowed subapically, its distal margin not sinuate – C.  belfragei Stål
6. Forewing with distal portion not darkened, or lightly marked with dominant marking consisting of dark stripe on midline – 7
6.’ Forewing with distal portion extensively darkened; or if lightly marked, dominant marking not dark stripe on midline - 8
7. Crown distinctly produced at middle, opaque basal portion of forewing with faint transverse band, smaller species — males 11-12 mm, females 12-13.5 mm – C. metcalfi Ball (in part)
7.’ Crown not produced at middle, opaque basal portion of forewing not banded, larger species — males 13-14 mm, females 14.5-16.5 mm - C. ferruginosus Stål
8. Midline of crown darkened to form wide stripe or longitudinal band, coronal length at middle 2x or less length next to eyes – C. vanduzeei Ball
8.’ Midline of crown not so darkened or if vaguely as above, then coronal length at middle about 2.5x length next to eyes – 9
9. Forewing extensively darkened distally, with distinct transparent oblique vitta from costal margin in apical portion reaching to or beyond midline (distribution: SC, FL, and Gulf States) – C. reineckei Van D.
9.’ Forewing extensively darkened distally or not, without transparent vitta as above or vitta only vaguely indicated and not reaching to or beyond midline (distribution: S Texas, western states, and Mexico) – 10
10. Face in lateral view with convexity near middle or in full view with low irregular transverse ridge across middle; forewing with opaque basal portion palest at middle or entire forewing but little darkened – C. metcalfi Ball (in part)
10.’ Face in lateral or full view essentially smooth across middle; forewing not as above – 11
11. Head in lateral view produced anteriorly for about 1.5x width of eye; forewing with fewer hyaline areas – C. dubius Kramer
11.’  Head in lateral view produced anteriorly for about Ix width of eye; forewing with more hyaline areas – C. pudicus (Stål) (as C. nubeculosus Stål)


Kramer J. P. 1978 - Taxonomic study of the american planthopper genus Cyrpoptus (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Fulgoridae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Washington, D. C 91(1): 303-335 

Information from :

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Synopsis of the Tropiduchidae north of Mexico

Synopsis of the Tropiduchidae (sensu Gnezdilov 2007) north of Mexico 
Tambiniinae Kirkaldy, 1907
Remosini Fennah, 1982
Monopsis Spinola, 1839 (Type species Monopsis tabida Spinola, 1839).
Neurotmeta Guérin-Méneville, 1856 (Type species Fulgora sponsa Guérin-Méneville, 1856).
Tangia Stål, 1859 (Type species Monopsis viridis Walker, 1851); syn. by Van Duzee 1917b: 739; removed from syn. by Fennah 1965a: 100.
Tangiini Melichar, 1914
Pelitropis Van Duzee, 1908 (Type species Pelitropis rotulata Van Duzee, 1908).
Tangia Stål, 1859 (Type species Monopsis viridis Walker, 1851).
Gaetuliini Fennah, 1978 (sensu Gnezdilov 2007)
Danepteryx Uhler, 1889 (Type species Danepteryx manca Uhler, 1889).
Epidanepteryx Bliven 1966: syn. by O’Brien 1988: 867.
Dictyssonia Ball, 1936 (Type species Dictyssonia beameri Ball, 1936).
Dictyobia Uhler, 1889 (Type species Dictyobia permutata Uhler, 1889; jr. syn. of Hysteropterum semivitreum Provancher, 1889).
Dictyonia Uhler, 1889 (Type species Dictyonia obscura Uhler, 1889).
Dictyonissus Uhler, 1876 (Type species Dictyonissus griphus Uhler, 1876).
Dictyssa Melichar, 1906 (Type species Dictyssa areolata Melichar, 1906).
Dyctidea Uhler, 1889 (Type species Dyctidea angustata Uhler, 1889).
Dictydea Uhler, 1889: 37; missp. by Uhler 1889: 39; Van Duzee 1938: 33; Doering 1938: 449; 1939: 88; O’Brien 1986: 68; 1988a: 868.
Misodema Melichar, 1907 (Type species Misodema reticulata Melichar, 1906 as Rileya reticulata Melichar, 1906); replacement name for unavailable Rileya Melichar, 1906).
Rileya Melichar, 1906 (nec. Huene 1902).
Neaethus Stål, 1861b (Type species Hysteropterum vitripenne Stål, 1854).
=Issovarcia Bliven, 1966; syn. by O’Brien 1988a: 867.
Osbornia Ball, 1910 (Type species Osbornia cornuta Ball, 1910).

copy information from:

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Membracoidea from Mexico

Superfamily MEMBRACOIDEA from southern Mexico
[Ted C. MacRae collection]
*Campylocentrus curvidens (Fairmaire) [Mexico] – 4
Campylocentrus sp. [Mexico] – 1
*Umfilianus declivus Distant [South Africa] – 3
*Oxyrhachis latipes (Buckton) [South Africa] – 1
Platycentrus acuticornis Stål [Mexico] – 11
Platycentrus obtusicornis Stål [Mexico] – 3
Platycentrus brevicornis Van Duzee [USA: California] – 7
Tylocentrus reticulatus Van Duzee [Mexico] – 4
*Stalobelus sp. [South Africa] – 1
*Dysyncritus sp. [Argentina] – 1
Aconophora sp. female [Mexico] – 1
*Guayaquila xiphias (Fabricius) [Argentina] – 7
Platycotis vittata (Fabricius) [USA: Arizona, California] – 3
Umbonia crassicornis (Amyot & Serville) [Mexico] – 73
Umbonia reclinata (Germar) [Mexico] – 8
Enchenopa binotata complex [Mexico] – 1
Enchenopa sp. [Argentina] – 6
Subfamily DARNINAE
Stictopelta nova Goding [Mexico] – 9
Stictopelta marmorata Goding [USA: Texas] – 1
Stictopelta pulchella Ball [Mexico] – 11
Stictopelta varians Fowler [Mexico] – 3
Stictopelta sp. [USA: Arizona, California] – 5
Stictopelta sp. [Mexico] – 5
Stictopelta spp. [Argentina] – 6
*Sundarion apicalis (Germar) [Argentina] – 2
*Hyphenoe obliqua (Walker) [Mexico] – 1
Vanduzeea triguttata (Burmeister) [USA: Arizona] – 2
Ceresa nigripectus Remes-Lenicov [Argentina] – 3
Ceresa piramidatis Remes-Lenicov [Argentina] – 4
Ceresa ustulata Fairmaire [Argentina] – 1
Ceresa sp. female [Argentina] – 1
Poppea setosa Fowler [Mexico] – 11
Tortistilus sp. [USA: California] – 1
*Bilimekia styliformis Fowler [Mexico] – 3
Polyglypta costata Burmeister [Mexico] – 18
Cyrtolobus acutus Van Duzee [USA: New Mexico] – 1
Cyrtolobus fuscipennis Van Duzee [USA: North Carolina] – 1
Cyrtolobus pallidifrontis Emmons [USA: North Carolina] – 1
Cyrtolobus vanduzei Goding [USA: California] – 4
Cyrtolobus sp. [USA: Arizona] – 2
*Evashmeadea carinata Stål [USA: Arizona] – 4
*Grandolobus grandis (Van Duzee) [USA: Arizona] – 1
Ophiderma sp. [Mexico] – 1
Palonica portola Ball [USA: California] – 4
Telamona decora Ball [USA: Missouri] – 4
Telamona sp. [USA: Texas] – 1
*Telamonanthe rileyi Goding [USA: Texas] – 2
*Telonaca alta Funkhouser [USA: Texas] – 1
Xantholobus sp. [Mexico] – 1
Microcentrus perditus (Amyot & Serville) [USA: Texas] – 1
Microcentrus proximus (Fowler) [Mexico] – 1
Aetalion nervosopunctatum nervosopunctatum Signoret [Mexico] – 9
Aetalion nervosopunctatum minor Fowler [USA: Arizona] – 2
Aetalion reticulatum (Linnaeus) [Argentina, Uruguay] – 26


Campylocentrus sp. (Mexico: Oaxaca)

Hyphinoe obliqua (Mexico: Oaxaca)

Poppea setosa (Mexico: Puebla)

Umbonia crassicornis female (Mexico: Puebla)

 Umbonia crassicornis male (Mexico: Puebla)

 Umbonia reclinata (Mexico: Oaxaca)

Kopp, D. D. and T. R. Yonke. 1973-1974. The treehoppers of Missouri: Parts 1-4.Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 46(1):42-64; 46(3):375-421; 46(3):375-421; 47(1):80-130.
Wood, T. K. 1999. Diversity in the New World Membracidae. Annual Review of Entomology 38:409-435.
information and images from:

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Gypona conata DeLong, 1980

Gypona conata   DeLong, 1980

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. México

image from:

martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Apogonalia mediolineata (Fowler, 1899)

Apogonalia mediolineata (Fowler, 1899)

Temescaltepec, Mexico

image from:

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015

Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830)

Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830)

image from:

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

Genus Alphina - Stal, 1863

Alphina - Stál, 1863

Family Fulgoridae

Subfamily Poiocerinae

Tribe Poiocerini Haupt, 1929

Subtribe Calyptoproctina Metcalf, 1938

Alphina nigrosignata Stál, 1863

Alphina glauca (Metcalf, 1923)

Tejupilco, México

images from:

Phrictus tripartitus - Metcalf

Phrictus tripartitus - Metcalf

·        México : Quintana Roo : X-Cán, 1967, det. L.B. O'Brien 87 (1 ex. col. Museo Entomológico, León).
·        México : Quintana Roo : Nuevo X-Can, 22-VIII-82 (1 ex. col. Museo Entomológico, León).

images from;